Leading Manufacturer Supports Business Awards
Monday, 25th October 2004.

Philip Gardener, Finance Director of IFF, states, “IFF have agreed to sponsor one of the HCCI awards. As a major employer in the town we recognise the benefits of a vibrant local economy and the impetus that an active Chamber of Commerce and Industry can provide. In this respect we are particularly pleased to be associated with the award for customer care, an essential part of developing on-going relationships in businesses of all types and sizes.”
A number of large Haverhill companies have been keen to support the Chamber since its launch last February. These have included, most notably, Printwise who produced over 300 high quality sponsorship brochures which have been viewed by organisation as diverse as BAA Stansted, British Telecom, Vibe FM and Barclays Bank. All of this publicity has helped to turn the spotlight on to Haverhill and its business community.
However, IFF has been the first Haverhill company to signal its support through actual sponsorship of an award. Charmaine Symonds, Chamber Events Manager and Secretary states, “The committee have waited patiently for a prestigious Haverhill company to demonstrate their support and commitment to the success of the Haverhill Business Awards 2005 through sponsorship of an award. We thank IFF for recognising the worth of this initiative and its potential for the Haverhill business community. We very much welcome their sponsorship of this award.”
IFF join an impressive list of sponsors including Carisbrooke Alliance, the Haverhill Business Park Developer, and Barclays Bank. Details of other companies, who have signed on for the awards, including the title sponsorship will be released during the next four weeks.
The highlight and culmination of the Business Awards programme will be the presentation of the awards at a Gala Ball to be held on May 21st 2005 at Chilford Hall.
The call for Nominations / Entry will commence on 1st November.
Story by Gold PR
Web Link: http://www.haverhillchamber.co.uk
E-Mail Link: jason@haverhillchamber.co.uk
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