Latest census details - from 100 years ago
Monday, 21st March 2011.

Every ten years there is a census taken of the whole country and - if you hadn’t already noticed the big census envelope dropping through your letter box - it is being done on Sunday.
The details you put on your form will be kept confidential for 100 years but the time’s up for the answers given by your grandparents, perhaps, in 1911 and earlier family members all the way back to the first ‘proper’ census taken, back in 1841.
If you’re curious to know what they put about their family, their work, where they lived and where they came from etc, then drop in at Haverhill Library between 10am and 2pm on Sunday. Members of Haverhill Family History Group will be there to show you those ‘Census Secrets’!
If this ‘taster’ session whets your appetite and you’d like to find out more about your family’s history there are free sessions every Wednesday afternoon, with guided use of the library’s computers and access to the ‘Ancestry’ website.
For further details, and to book a place on a Wednesday afternoon, call in at the library or phone Haverhill 702638.
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