Keeping fit, with adrian
Thursday, 23rd February 1995.

Adrian, 20, of Tiderius Close, Haverhill, told pupils how hw achieved his ambition of a career in professional football.
At schoolboy level Adrian had an impressive record and played at Wembley twice before his 16th birthday.
The former Castle Manor pupil played for only 15 minutes in Arsenal's defeat by QPR in December, but has played well consistently in the reserves and hopes to earn a regular first team place soon.
During his visit to Parkway Adrian chatted with pupils and signed autographs before encouraging them in the sponsored fitness event.
Pupils completed sponsored press ups, sit ups, bench jumps and squat thrusts, many of them wearing heart monitors to measure their levels of fitness.
Throughout the week Parkway pupils have been involved in a fitness testing programme during PE and games lessons, with extra sporting activities after school. It was decided to link the school's annual sponsored event with the Fitness Week.
St Edmundsbury Council's Leisure Department will use information gathered along with that from other schools, to assess children's fitness.
It is hoped to encourage more children to take part in the Council's champion coaching scheme and any parents interested should contact Alison Furlong on 01284 757087.
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