Katie leads the way when it comes to sport
Wednesday, 9th June 2010.

Katie Kingsbury, from year nine at Samuel Ward College of Arts and Technology, is one of a group of students being encouraged to develop leadership skills within sport.
One of the targets for the School Sports Partnership is to develop leadership opportunities for young people and Samuel Ward has established a young leadership academy.
Those students who are involved have to commit to helping in various sports clubs, which can be within their own school, within the local primary school or within the community.
Katie has been outstanding as a young leader, contacting a local sports coach on her own initiative and managing to record 50 hours of coaching within his club.
For this outstanding achievement she has been rewarded with a tracksuit bearing the leadership logo.
In total the college has 40 students within its leadership academy. If any club is in need of help from young leaders it can contact Keith Limon at Samuel Ward.
His contact details are email Keithssco@yahoo.co.uk and his works mobile is 07595090178.
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