Jade didn't win but she had a great time
Monday, 7th February 2011.

Over 8,000 unsigned singers and solos artists, of all genres, took part in the competition.
Jade’s journey to the O2 began in September when she passed an audition for Open Mic 2010. In October she sang in the regional finals in Ipswich, and then it was on to the area finals in Bedford before securing a place at the grand final in January.
Jade sang on the Indig02 stage at the O2 arena in front of an audience of 2,500 where she was competing against 27 other acts in the under 18’s category.
Despite singing her heart out and 'owning the stage' Jade, 16, did not win the competition but she did have an amazing time and loved the experience.
The week before the grand final Jade was ill, off school and in bed with the flu. It was touch and go whether she would have a voice to sing with for the competition.
On the big day a massive rush of adrenalin ensured that Jade found her voice and was able to perform, albeit not up to her usual standard.
The judges commented that Jade had good stage presence, she used the stage well, her performance was energetic but her voice struggled to hit the high notes.
Unfortunately Jade had to have another week off school after the competition because she was so poorly. She is now fully recovered and back to good health and voice.
Jade said: “Of course I was disappointed not to win the Open Mic competition. It would have been quite amazing to walk away with a record contract.
"However, given how ill I was beforehand, I was just grateful to be able to get up on the stage and perform.
"Singing at the O2 was awesome and just made me more determined to follow a career in music. I do love performing – not sure who I get that from!
"I want to thank everyone who supported me in so many different ways. An extra big thank you to my mum and dad – Jenni and Paul Donno. It’s such a shame I didn’t win as they have had to put away the round the world cruise brochures!”
Jade is in a band called Keep Em Keen who have entered Live And Unsigned a national singing competition for unsigned artists, so watch this space!
You can follow Jade and Keep em Keen on Facebook – Jade Donno Singer (http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/jadedonnosinger) ; Keep Em Keen (http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/keepemkeen)
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