Hotel re-launches areas for eating.
Thursday, 19th September 2002.

Following an extensive refurbishment during the summer, the hotel’s main eating areas have been updated and will provide a greater range of food from the a Ia carte and set menus than previously served.
The main restaurant will have waitress service for up to 40 people sitting down with an adjacent smoking area being provided.
The hotel’s main function facility, The Suffolk Room, will be able to cater for 50 sitting or 120 standing customers.
Woodlands’ new owner Cliff Treadwell said: “The object of the refurbishment of these rooms is to provide greater flexibility for eating at the hoteL
“With new decor, layout and menus, we will now be able to provide quality food in attractive surroundings at reasonable prices for an increasing number of residents In and around the town who regularly eat out either for lunch or dinner.
The menus have been created by the hotel’s head chef Lee Ridgway, whose 18 years of experience In leading hotels and restaurants throughout England and Scotland have given him a unique insight into this relaunching Lee said: “Our Christmas season menus running throughout December and the Christmas Day lunch have given me particular pleasure to plan, knowing they will be tasted in this new ambience.
“The new restaurant menus have been created to cater for a wide choice of tastes with a number of speciality dishes included, particularly for those with a sweet tooth!
Bookings for the restaurant or the Suffolk Room can be made by contacting the restaurant manager on
01440 762581.
More information on the hotel is also available at
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