Hostel bids farewell to manager
Thursday, 31st May 2001.

Lois Lowther had been manager of the Limes Hostel, Camps Road, Haverhill, a shelter for the homeless and those who have fallen on hard times, for the last two-and-a-half years.
Residents and friends said goodbye by presenting her with a number of gifts on the evening held at the hostel.
The gifts included a carriage clock, a crystal glass serving dish, a china vase and a jigsaw puzzle carrier.
Les Howard, chairman of the hostel's voluntary management committee, said: "She has been an excellent manager and she was very well liked by all the residents.
"She was a good friend to them all and they are all very upset that she is going. She will be very much missed."
The evening was attended by around 60 people including John Miller, the chief executive of Matthew Housing, the company which runs the hostel.
Mrs Lowther, who came to the country with her English-born husband to visit relatives in Yorkshire, is now returning home to New Zealand.
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