Holiday lessons scheme voted a success
Thursday, 21st September 2000.

The pioneering two-week summer school at Samuel Ward Upper School in Haverhill was the first of its kind and a great success. Certificates were presented to 30 Year 9 and 10 students who took part.
Four sixth-formers also gave up their time to help organise the event. The scheme was run in partnership with the University of the First Age and the Department of Education and Employnient.
The theme of the summer school was More than Meets the Eye, aiming to teach students the skills of mind mapping, critical thinking, robotics, cyber mapping and motivational skills.
Headteacher Howard Lay said: “The initiative was hugely successful and part of a wider drive to accelerate learning and challenge the way pupils think.
“Over the next year, we plan to introduce a daily breakfast club, an after school club and to link through ICT (Information Communications Technology— distance learning) much more effectively to the pupils at home.”
Picture Caption : Pioneer pupils . . . headteacher Howard Lay with, front from left, Naomi Dabbs, Mark Ashwood, Jenny Cutts and Aimee Scarbrow and, behind, the summer school certificate holders.
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