Hedingham school ex-pupils set for nostalgic reunion
Sunday, 8th September 2013.

A group of ex-schoolfriends have got together to arrange the event and have created a facebook page – Hedingham School Class of 73 Reunion - for those who are interested. They are appealing for help in spreading the word to former classmates.
Sue Moreton said: “The evening promises to be really fun providing plenty of opportunities to remember the good old days and reconnect with friends from 40 years ago.
"It will be great to find out about what they all have been doing, their travels, their children and grandchildren.”
Formerly known as The Viking, Memories provides the perfect location having enjoyed a stellar reputation as the night club of choice back in the glittering seventies.
For those who don’t remember, 1973 was the year Britain joined the EEC; we had the Three-Day Week, bar codes were introduced and the World Trade Centre in New York became the tallest building in the world.
The average house price was £9,942 and a gallon of petrol cost 0.35p. Fibre optics had just been invented along with microwaves and VCRs. Pocket calculators, video games and super computers were the next big thing.
On TV we were watching Charlie’s Angels, Columbo and The Waltons. At the cinema The Exorcist, Live And Let Die and The Sting were pulling in the crowds. Crocodile Rock, Midnight Train to Georgia and When Will I See You Again were powering up the charts and Pink Floyd released Dark Side of the Moon.
Co-organiser Bev Barnes said: “Basically we just want everyone to have a bit of nostalgic fun. It’s been 40 years so what better way to warm up people’s spirits with a decadent 70s party filled with the sounds of glam rock, punk, disco fever and Motown.”
The reunion party will kick off at 7.30pm and will include music and a buffet. Partners are welcome. Tickets cost £10 per head and must be purchased in advance.
For more information contact Sue Moreton - email: sue.littlemo@btinternet.com Mobile: 07890856399.
Please sign up on facebook at:
Hedingham Class of 73 reunion - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hedinghaschoolclassof73reunion/
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