Head of top-class school calls it a day
Thursday, 13th April 2000.

Mr Roberts will be handing over to deputy head Howard Lay, who won the appointment despite stiff competition from outside. Mr roberts who has been teaching for 36 years, was previously deputy head at Gt Cornard Upper School for five years.
Although he will be sad to leave, Mr Roberts is bowing out with the school on top form, having received a glowing OFSTED report and being named in the 50 most improved scshools in the country.
The school has also recently been shortlisted in its bid for technology college status.
Mr Roberts has already done a couple of terms as a county advisor and will continue this work on a part-time basis, as well as work in head-teacher assessment. When the school opened it had only 250 Year Nine pupils, but is now growing fast with a roll of around 600.
"The job I was appointed to is hugely different from the one I am handing over. I and delighted to be handing over to Howard, which means the continuity will be particularly strong and he has contributed to the successes we have achieved in so many ways.
"There is spmething special about founding a new Upper School and I feel very previleged to have been in that position. Iam very confident that Samuel Ward and Haverhill will continue to excel," Mr Roberts said.
Picture : Bidding farewell..... headteacher Peter Roberts, right with chairman of governors Bob Shepstone.
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