Hazardous Waste Leaflet Provides Advice for Suffolk Residents
Thursday, 20th November 2008.

About 5 million tonnes of hazardous waste is produced each year in England and Wales so to help residents recognise which of their waste at home is hazardous, the county council has put together an advice and guidance leaflet for Suffolk residents.
The leaflet will advise people on how to safely remove the hazardous materials and provide useful information on how to make more eco-friendly buying decisions. We want to reduce the amount of hazardous waste people have in their homes in the future. This in turn, contributes to our aspiration to make Suffolk the Greenest County.
Councillor Eddy Alcock, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Waste Management said: "Many people don't realise that when they have a clear out at home, the number of products they have in their house or garden shed, that are hazardous or that they require careful disposal. It can't simply be sent to landfill. We all need to dispose of our waste responsibly to avoid harm to human health and the environment. I welcome this new leaflet, giving people the information they need, so that hazardous waste doesn't end up in general landfill, or in watercourses."
Certain types of household hazardous waste can be taken to the county council's Household Waste Recycling Centres for safe disposal. These are:
Used motor oil
Household and vehicle batteries
Fluorescent tubes and low energy lightbulbs
TVs and computers
Fire extinguishers (except Halon ones)
For disposal of all other hazardous household products, the public are advised to contact their District or Borough Council to arrange collection.
The new leaflet is available at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre or from your District or Borough Council. It can also be downloaded from:
Web Link: http://www.suffolkrecycling.org.uk
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