Haverhill Tesco – The Road Not Taken
By Charmaine Symonds on Tuesday, 6th February 2007.
Proposals for an access road to the north of Tesco’s new store in Haverhill have been turned down irrevocably after months of campaigning and negotiation.
Representatives from Tesco met with councillors, planning officers, Mr Richard Spring, retailers and other organisations to try to determine a way forward.
The local Chamber had suggested an alternative plan for the construction of a road to the north of the store, coming out in Ehringshausen Way by the fire station. This would have resulted in Tesco losing over 100 parking spaces. Tesco planners considered the possibility of raising the store on stilts in order to create parking beneath the building.
However, spiralling costs of £4.5 million proved prohibitive to the scheme and the idea has been rejected as too expensive.
Consultation will now continue to determine the best way to make the southern access road work. This will include ideas on improving links with Queen Street.
MP Richard Spring said: “It’s absolutely crucial the new store is integrated with the town centre. It’s a strategic part of the rejuvenation of the town and we just need to get on with it now.”
Representatives from Tesco met with councillors, planning officers, Mr Richard Spring, retailers and other organisations to try to determine a way forward.
The local Chamber had suggested an alternative plan for the construction of a road to the north of the store, coming out in Ehringshausen Way by the fire station. This would have resulted in Tesco losing over 100 parking spaces. Tesco planners considered the possibility of raising the store on stilts in order to create parking beneath the building.
However, spiralling costs of £4.5 million proved prohibitive to the scheme and the idea has been rejected as too expensive.
Consultation will now continue to determine the best way to make the southern access road work. This will include ideas on improving links with Queen Street.
MP Richard Spring said: “It’s absolutely crucial the new store is integrated with the town centre. It’s a strategic part of the rejuvenation of the town and we just need to get on with it now.”
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