Haverhill Shopmobility Awareness Day
Tuesday, 5th February 2008.

Shopmobility schemes across the UK and the Channel Islands will be taking part in the NATIONAL SHOPMOBILITY AWARENESS DAYS on Friday, 29th February and Saturday, 1st March 2008.
The main aim of these days is to help people with a temporary or permanent physical disability, their families, friends and carers see for themselves what Shopmobility Schemes can do with them to improve access to shopping and other leisure experiences. It will also provide an opportunity for Shopmobility users and those who own their own scooters to learn about and participate in NFSUK’s recently launched “SUPA” (Scooter User Proficiency Award) Training Scheme. Schemes will also have information about the National Passport Scheme to be launched later this year.
Chair of NFSUK, Anne Ansell, said “Shopmobility Schemes are very proud of what they do for their communities and we want more people who can benefit to get know about us and what we can do together”.
Anyone wanting to visit a Scheme should contact their local Scheme whose details can be found within the on-line Directory at www.shopmobilityuk.org to confirm opening times and other details. The site also has other information that will be of interest to those wanting to use Shopmobility services.
Web Link: http://www.shopmobilityuk.org
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