Haverhill School Proposals - One Week Left...
Wednesday, 14th May 2008.

A notice has been displayed outside each of the affected schools, outlining how the specific school could be affected if the proposals were given the go ahead. Notices have also been available at various other local venues. Details of all of the changes are available on the county council’s website.
All views received by the county council will be analysed and form part of the paper going to the Cabinet meeting on 24th June. The original recommendations, agreed by the Cabinet at its meeting in March will also be included in the paper. Cabinet will be asked to make a final decision on the proposals. If Cabinet gives its final agreement on the proposals at their June meeting, plans will be put in place to implement the changes.
Councillor Patricia O’Brien, Portfolio Holder for children, schools and young people’s services said: “This six week period has given everyone a final opportunity to give their views on the proposals agreed by Cabinet in March. Anyone who is yet to have their say on these proposals should do so before next Friday to ensure their views are considered by Cabinet before they make their final decision.”
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