Haverhill's MP, Richard Spring Praises Town Website
By Charmaine Symonds on Friday, 19th January 2007.

Mr Spring congratulated Haverhill’s Pure Energy Multimedia, creators of the revamped site, on their achievement for the town, describing www.Haverhill-UK.com as ‘modern, vibrant and easy to use’.
He added:“ “The Internet has revolutionised the way so many of us view the world, receive the information we need, and how we interact with others. Boundaries have been broken down and the world has become a much smaller place due to the power of the Internet in bringing people together.
“As a Member of Parliament, I have always embraced new technology. That is why I warmly welcome the new Haverhill UK website which allows people in Haverhill to access information about what is happening in their area from entertainment and leisure through to business, sport and politics.
“I believe Haverhill is a great town with a great future and we now have an official website which fully reflects that.”
Mr. Spring’s web page on Haverhill-UK, as well as carrying up-to-date news, will contain links to his Parliamentary website: www.richardspringmp.com, his constituency website: www.tellrichardspring.com and his personal blogsite: http:///richardspring.mpblogs.com
Charmaine Symonds
Gold PR
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