Haverhill's junior golfers hold presentation evening
Tuesday, 26th February 2013.

In all, 66 members and guests were invited, including Haverhill’s club president, David Chapman, and club captain, Steve Ward, to celebrate the success of Haverhill’s junior golfers.
Haverhill’s head PGA professional, Paul Wilby, gave the prize presentation.
Winners of the monthly competitions were as follows: January Medal, Michael Perrett; March Medal, Daniel Bentley; October Medal, Hayden Durrant; November Medal & December Medal, Mitchell Davis.
The winners of the trophy competitions were: A Steam (sponsored by R Woolmer) Mitchell Davis (Medal), Joshua Hulyer (Stableford); P Franklin (‘Grumpy Cup’ sponsored by Eamonn Bareham) Stephen Boyles (Medal), Joshua Hulyer (Stableford); Spring Cup (sponsored by Spencer Tatum) Ollie Stevenson (Medal), James Iron (Stableford); Waddup Windows (sponsored by D Waddup) Daniel Bentley (Medal); Junior Foursomes (sponsored by John Wilding) Lewis Whiting & Nicole Pike; D Quinney Trophy (sponsored by Dave Quinney) Michael Perrett (Medal); P Bowers Trophy (sponsored by Peter Bowers) Liam Merritt (Medal), Jason Carpenter (Stableford); CAB Edwards Junior Club Championship (sponsored by Chris Edwards) Ellis Brown (Scratch), Ollie Fish (Handicap); Junior Autumn Shield (sponsored by Spencer Tatum) Daniel Bentley (Medal), James Iron (Stableford).
Winning the Daily Telegraph Competition for boys was Michael Perrett and for girls, Fiona Stokes. The winner of the Junior Captain’s Day 18-hole competition was Ed Halpin and for the 36-hole Stableford, Ben Bradnam.
Special Awards for achievements throughout the 2012 season were presented as follows: The Birdie Tree winner was Michael Perrett; The T Weller Eclectic Cup (sponsored by Tony Weller) was won by Liam Merritt; The Stableford Shield (sponsored by Linda Macfarlane and Terry Bishop) was won by Joshua Hulyer; The Committee Trophy (sponsored by the 2012 Committee) was won by Fiona Stokes; The Club Player of the Year (sponsored by Joe Davis), was awarded to the golfer with the best positive attitude, behaviour and etiquette both on and off the golf course, and was won by Hayden Durrant; The Golfer of the Year (sponsored by Pam Ratford) was awarded to the Junior Golfer with the most accumulated points for competition entries and for being placed in competitions throughout 2012 and was won by Joshua Hulyer.
After the prize presentation, Paul Wilby presented a gift voucher to Andy Martin to thank him for all his hard work and to wish him well. Andy, who has served on the junior committee for two years, will be stepping down from the role of junior organiser as he is moving back to Devon with his family.
Other Results:
The Ladies Midweek Stableford was played on Wednesday, February 20. Jackie Condon was the winner with 30pts, in second place Mary Sail with 26pts and in third place Judy Farren with 24pts on countback.
A non-qualifying competition was also played the same day and the winner was Gill Richardson with 28pts, in second place Ann Thompson with 23pts on countback from third place Pam McCallum with 23pts. Unfortunately the Saturday Stableford was cancelled due to overnight snow.
Brett Vale hosted the next meeting of the Suffolk Winter Alliance on Wednesday, February 20. In all, 55 players, including one professional took part on a very cold and windy day.
The professional prize was won by Danny Barton of the Felixstowe Golf Centre with a one over par score of 71. The Four Ball Better Ball Stableford was won by the Ufford Park pairing of Paul Samain and Ronnie Scott with 41 pts.
In second place Paddy Lockwood & Tom King from Newton Green with 40 pts and in third place Haverhill’s club captain Gordon Price & Malcolm Klingle with 39 pts.
The Men’s Medal was played on Sunday, February 24, with a field of 84 taking part. The overall winner with an excellent nett score of 64 was Jack Bligh, trimming his handicap by two shots to five.
The full results were: Division One, 1 Jack Bligh 71-7-64 (lowest gross); 2 Paul Bartlett 77-7-70 on countback; 3 Peter Driscoll 81-11-70.
Division Two, 1 Jason Lunness 85-17-68. 2 Gary Webb 86-17-69; 3 Tom Harrison 84-14i-70.
Division Three, 1 Roger Hartley 89-21-68; 2 Darren Villis 102-27i-75; 3 Kieron Bailey 98-22-76.
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