Haverhill Rotary Club Enjoys a Busy Month
Saturday, 7th July 2007.

First off was taking 30 children to Wimpole Hall for the day. This seemed quite a challenge but both Kids and Rotarians had a thoroughly enjoyable time. Terry McGerty (Uncle Terry as he became known on the day) said the children had a great day checking out the farm animals, before sitting down to a picnic, followed by kite flying and lots of ice cream.
This annual event, supported by Rotary every year, is organised by KidsOut, a charity that helped over 60,000 children and young people last year alone. Rotary would particulary like to thank Haverhill On Track for organising the children and helpers this year. On Track provide a range of programmes that help children to achieve their full potential.
Highlight of the month was the Haverhill Charity Golf Day Classic. This was a new event this year for Haverhill Rotary Club who helped Haverhill Golf Club organise a charity competition to raise money for EACH (East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices) and Rotary Charities.
This proved to be a very successful event with even the weather remaining fair and only a couple of showers to hold up the Golfers. To cap it all over £14,000 was raised for the charities concerned!
Finally, on Monday 25th June Gareth Davies, Haverhill Rotary President during the past year, handed over to the incoming President John Senior.
John said: "This is an honour for me especially in a year when the Haverhill Club are providing the District Governor. A well as giving Duncan full support in his role, I aim to carry on the community based work of my predecessor, Gareth Davies, and will be looking to support worthwhile Rotary focused projects as well as continuing recent activities such the Christmas Sleigh and the Golf Classic."
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