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Haverhill Hosts Showcase of Internet Technology

Monday, 12th March 2007.

The Suffolk eBusiness Club from the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, working with the Haverhill Chamber, are holding an Internet Technology Showcase Event at Castle Manor Business and Enterprise College on Wednesday March 21st.

On display at the event will be new and innovative e-technology products and services plus plenty of experts to talk to about websites, search engine issues, eCommerce, online back up, remote access, content management, e-mail marketing and intranets.

The Showcase of Internet Technology, a first for Haverhill, promises to be a useful and fascinating presentation. Haverhill based, digital marketing and communications company Pure Energy Multimedia will be among the group of experts taking part.

This morning event starts at 10:00 and will be an informal exhibition running until 12:30.

All businesses in the Haverhill area are invited to attend this free event. Bookings can be made through the Suffolk eBusiness Club website Click Here

The Suffolk eBusiness Club holds meetings and events throughout the county to assist businesses to evaluate e-technologies. This valuable resource is free to join and currently attendance at events is free of charge too.

For further information please contact Catherine Turner on 07967 384 575

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