Haverhill firm rises to the Dragons' challenge
Tuesday, 25th September 2012.

Phoenix Internet Consultancy Ltd has been working with Dunmow-based YUUworld, the main featured business pitching on Sunday.
YUUworld received bids from all five of the dragons, resulting in two of them, Deborah Meaden and Peter Jones, agreeing a joint investment of £60,000 for a 30 per cent share in the business.
Astonishingly, most of Phoenix’s work with YuuWorld, which has created and marketed a special bag for children, has been done by their five apprentices.
Phoenix have worked with YUUworld for the last 18 months, constantly developing and improving their website during that time, a process which came to a head with extensive work involved in preparing the new website to cope with the huge increase in traffic that results from such high profile coverage.
A stern test was set as the company had been told that they should expect the site to crash as it happened to ‘every’ website company featured.
This challenge was met, with Phoenix proudly confirming that the site had 100 per cent uptime both during and after the programme was aired, despite receiving nearly a month's worth of traffic in just ten minutes.
Even more remarkably, the majority of work undertaken on the site was performed by the company's five apprentices, who only started working with Phoenix in March this year.
Director Sean Proctor said: “I am incredibly proud of the work the team put into this project. It is unbelievable the progress they have made since they joined us.
"We were set a stiff challenge by the Dragons and it could not have gone better. YUUworld are great clients who respect what we do and are a pleasure to work with.
"They fully deserve the success they are achieving, I could not ask for better clients.”
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