Haverhill Fight Night to make a return in May
Tuesday, 1st April 2014.

Former ISKA British Champion Thai boxer Matt Fitch and fellow Thai boxer Neil Spokes have organised Haverhill Fight Night on Saturday, May 10, at Haverhill Leisure Centre where spectators can watch 12 fights featuring a mixture of boxing and Thai boxing.
The event, for those 18 and over, will be in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust, a charity devoted to improving the lives of teenagers and young adults with cancer.
The fighters confirmed to date are all from Haverhill: Carl Ledger, Luke Monks, Mehmet Kucukarslan along with Jake Bachelor who works at Haverhill Leisure Centre.
Matt Fitch, who runs classes in thai boxing and is a personal trainer at the centre, said: “It is long been an ambition of mine to run this event and, if successful, we’d like to make it a regular thing.
“We wanted to bring something back to Haverhill which has not been here for a long time and at the same time do something good for charity. We hope this will encourage more people to take up or take an interest in the sport.”
More than 400 spectators are expected at the event at which doors open at 6pm and the first fight starts at 6.30pm. There will be a bar available.
Neil Spokes added: “Thai boxing is a growing sport and it is becoming more mainstream. Ten or 15 years ago Thai boxing wasn’t even shown on TV. Now a lot of youngsters are taking an interest while years ago it was a niche market.”
Tickets for the event are selling fast and centre manager James Purkiss hopes the night will become a regular fixture.
He said: “Matt and Neil have done a great job in pulling together the event for people in Haverhill. Some of our staff will be fighting and I think it is a great way for people to find out more about the sport and enjoy a good night out.”
Tickets, priced at £25 standing and £30 seated, are available from the centre’s reception or by contacting Neil Spokes on 07931 041204.
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