Haverhill Company Backs Chamber Business Awards
Sunday, 14th November 2004.

Proprietor, Paul McGurl, explains his reasons for supporting the initiative, “For me, Haverhill, industry and reward have always been interlinked and played a major role in sculpting my life and who I now am..
My roots are in Haverhill. My mother, Ena, was a local girl who fell for the rough yet seductive charms of a Glaswegian soldier who had been sent South o’ the Border to protect wartime Haverhill from imminent German invasion. My father, ‘Jock’, as many will know tried his hand at many jobs, post War, to provide for her and eventually for the whole family. Chef, cleaner, lorry driver, factory worker, insurance salesman, milkman, valet, the list goes on and on.
This all served to teach me that effort should, and most often is, rewarded. As a result, I have always tried to conduct both my business and professional lives in an ethically and morally correct manner. I am now reaping the rewards by seeing my own business develop and grow.
As a town, Haverhill attracts businesses of all varieties, shapes and sizes. We, as a community, should be encouraging good businesses and trying to educate poorer performers of the real benefits that can be had by cleaning up their act.
I see Environment, Health and Safety as part of the same package. Through my business, I enable companies nationwide to be compliant with statutory regulations. In my experience, those companies that care about the environment are the same companies that value their employees, and the publics, health and safety. That is why I am sponsoring this Award.”
Risk & Safety Solutions follows closely in the footsteps of IFF, Carisbrooke Alliance and Barclays Bank in deciding to demonstrate their support for the Chamber Awards and their commitment to business in the Haverhill area.
Haverhill Chairman, Paul Donno was doubly pleased with the news. He said, “We are immensely gratified that a second Haverhill Company has sponsored an award .It is fantastic that a new business such as Risk and Safety Solutions, has the vision to support the Business Awards and the Haverhill Chamber. Paul McGurl assesses our environmental issues, at work and play, and this is very fitting award for him to sponsor.”
Further information about sponsorship can be obtained from secretary@haverhillchamber.co.uk or by telephoning Charmaine on 01440 707717.
For membership enquiries contact Jason on 01440 709794
Web Link: http://www.risksafetysolutions.co.uk
E-Mail Link: info@risksafetysolutions.co.uk
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