Haverhill Business Awards: The Countdown Begins!
By Elaine Collins on Monday, 21st March 2005.

Spokesperson for the Haverhill Chamber, Jason Fitzpatrick, MD of Pure Energy Multimedia, said ‘All of us on the Business Awards Committee have been impressed with the huge amount of effort and commitment that the majority of submissions clearly demonstrate. There certainly is going to be some serious competition. We are delighted with the outcome and very proud to be associated with such an exceptional business community.”
The Chamber received over 140 nominations for organisations in Haverhill, Clare and the surrounding area. This is an overwhelming success for the initiative especially when compared to other Business Awards, held in areas similar in size to Haverhill. The desire to compete demonstrates that Haverhill businesses have drive, determination and confidence as well as a firm belief in the Spirit of Enterprise!
Nominations, from the public, were received for a range of organisations, including big names such as Genzyme, IFF, Stratos, Axa, Ardex and Sainsbury’s through to the equally well-known but smaller independent companies like Kids Bizz Unlimited, West Suffolk Networks, The Design Office and Ellis’s Bakery. Clare was also well represented with nominations for, amongst others, Humphries Butchers, Ship Stores, Nethergate Brewery, Talking Heads and David Burr Estate Agents.
Charmaine Symonds, Managing Director of Gold and Chamber Events Manager explained how the response has been so gratifying and encouraging and given a real boost to the Chamber Committee. She said: “As with any project the work behind the scenes is sometimes daunting; things can happen that you don’t expect and at times you become nervous. But now after seeing the quality of the submissions, we feel very confident, and with all the planning for the big night already in place, we know that the award winners are going to receive the acclaim that they truly deserve.
“We were also very excited to learn that knowledge of the Haverhill Awards has gone far beyond the borders of Suffolk and indeed East Anglia. The organisers of the National Business Awards are engaged in discussions with us at the moment. All I can say, at this point, is that it’s further good news for the finalists and focuses even more attention on Haverhill as a business centre of excellence.”
Companies and individuals taking part in the Haverhill Awards will be notified of their status before 21st April. Overall winners in each category will be announced at the Awards Ceremony scheduled to be the highlight of a glittering Gala Ball on 21st May 2005. This will be a night to remember, offering the local business community the opportunity to recognise and celebrate its brightest stars. If you would like to be there to congratulate the winners, and dance the night away, make sure you book now, either online or by telephoning Diana on 01440 707184.
Proceeds from the Gala Ball will benefit St Nicholas’ Hospice, Bury St Edmunds.
Elaine Collins Gold ©
Web Link: http://www.haverhillchamber.co.uk
E-Mail Link: secretary@haverhillchamber.co.uk
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