Havebury asks tenants to help shape 'new world'
Wednesday, 1st December 2010.

The Suffolk-based affordable homes provider has just released its 2009/10 review, which was put together with a focus group of tenants and will soon be delivered to its 6,000 homes along with its winter newsletter, Havebury News.
Chief executive Karen Mayhew said: “The review details the steps we have taken in response to comments from our tenants over the last year.
"We want to build on this in 2011 so we have also included a tear-off section where tenants can write to us about their general views and areas for improvement.
“This includes what they like and dislike, how they would prefer to communicate with us and their priorities for home repairs. We urge all residents to get in touch and give us their views so we can improve our service even further next year.”
Tenants are also asked to give their thoughts on the content and style of the annual report, with opinions to be considered for future editions. These should be emailed to office@havebury.com or sent in writing to Havebury Housing Partnership, FREEPOST ANG20802, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3ZP.
In addition, the annual report also outlines how the partnership will respond to recent cuts in Government spending for social housing.
Mrs Mayhew explained: “We are considering how best we can respond to a world which will soon look very different to the one in which we currently operate.
"Of the utmost importance is the delivery of the best quality services we can afford, the need to drive value for money and a commitment to finding different ways of delivering new homes.”
Havebury’s successes over the 2009/10 financial year are also documented in the report, including the construction of 87 new homes, the donation of more than £108,000 to 25 neighbourhood improvement schemes and a further investment of £56,247 in 24 new community based projects.
Mrs Mayhew added: “The annual report also indicates what we have planned for the current financial year. This includes achieving the Decent Homes Standard for all properties by this December as well as reviewing the repairs and maintenance departments to ensure they are cost-effective.”
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