Halloween Happenings at Moyse’s Hall
Thursday, 11th October 2007.

Children (aged seven and above) will be making costumes and masks and playing traditional games like apple bobbing at a holiday workshop on Friday 26 October from 11am. They will also find out why ghosts and ghouls come out at this time of year. Places cost £6. They can also explore the scary and gruesome on a Halloween trail of the Moyse’s collection on Sunday 28 October at 2pm. They will discover why mummified cats and children’s shoes are found in walls as well as ways to trap a witch! The trail costs £2 with accompanying adults free.
For grown-ups who enjoy spine-chilling shivers, there is an ‘after lights out’ evening tour of the museum with tales from past visitors to the town – and who knows what may appear! The tour starts at 6pm, costs £6 and accompanied children over 14 years are welcome. Booking is essential.
Telephone 01284 706183
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