Halloween Events in Haverhill
Monday, 22nd October 2007.

A whole series of seasonal events have been organised by Haverhill Arts Centre. On
Friday 26 October adults and children can - if they dare - take the ghoulish trail around East Town Park to encounter all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures, sights, lights and sounds.
The Halloween Trail 2007, sponsored by Haverhill Town Council, takes place between 7.00pm-8.00pm at East Town Park, Coupals Road, Haverhill. Bring a torch and wear Halloween dress if you can! This event is FREE.
Please ensure that children are accompanied by an adult and don’t forget to wear warm clothing and sturdy footwear. Call 01440 714140 for more information
Those with a creative streak might want to delve into the depths of their imagination to produce scary masks and spooky shadows at the Halloween workshops at Haverhill Arts Centre. Advance booking is essential as spaces are limited. All the work created will be used at the Halloween Trail in East Town Park on Friday 26 October. Call 01440 714140 to find out more.
Monday 22 - Thursday 25 October
Use your imagination to make the scariest of scary masks and create some petrifying projections.
Suitable for ages 8-12 years
Tickets: 10.00 for 4 day course.
Monday 22 - Thursday 25 October
Make mini movies using sinister shadows, spooky silhouettes and strange sounds.
Suitable for ages 12+.
Tickets: 10.00 for 4 day course.
Don't miss out!
Call 01440 714140 for more information.
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