Half-term fun lined up at the arts centre
Thursday, 22nd September 2011.

Grapples, slams and giant foam hands will be the order of the day when the stars of LDN Wrestling make a welcome return visit to Haverhill.
With sparkly costumes and loads of audience participation this ‘sports pantomime’ is perfect entertainment for the whole family. Boo the bad guys, cheer on your favourites and grab a souvenir at this fast-paced, non-stop action show.
The marvellous magical mouse Theo, his best friend Wendy and Wink Taylor from TVs Sooty Show invite you to the greatest party in town, featuring chart songs, games and plenty of fun with the audience.
Laughter is guaranteed, so come inside the Musical Madhouse and join in the excitement.
Tickets for the wrestling are £12, £10 concessions and £35 for a family ticket, tickets for Theo the Mouse are £5 with a family ticket at £18. Both are available from the Arts Centre box office on 01440 714140 or on the website www.haverhillartscentre.co.uk
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