Guides continue centenary celebrations
Tuesday, 5th October 2010.

The day began at 2.30pm with a hat competition for the girls, followed by sideshows and crafts.
The event was attended by the police and the fire brigade, who allowed the girls into the fire engine - much to their delight! After a picnic and sing-song, the girls went home and the adults arrived.
They joined together with Guiders past and present for a fish and chip supper, accompanied by lots of gossip and story-telling.
The welcome was given by Jill Moss, district commisioner, and a reading on ageing gracefully was read by Barabara Adshead.
The toast was 'to Guiding sisters, past, present and future'. The evening was rounded off with campfire songs and the release of hot air balloons.
The next centenary event is on the October 20, at 7.30pm at Castle Manor college, where they will be inviting Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Senior Section and Leaders, past and present to renew their Promise at 20:10, along with all other members all over the world. The evening will be a celebration of Girlguiding.
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