Group has a reason to celebrate
Thursday, 23rd May 2002.

Lifeline … Ann Boyd, front left, with Brandon Hagen and Eileen Jarred, right, with Erin Jarred, celebrate the group’s fifth anniversary.
Many founder members returned to the party for the Wednesdays 4 Women group which meets at the Leiston Social Centre on the Clements Estate.
The group was set up as part of a health improvement scheme for the estate, after high early mortality rates were discovered there.
It has provided women with social contact, a creche to look after their children, exercise sessions, talks on a variety of subjects and advice from Citizens Advice Bureau advisers.
Around 40 people turned out for the celebration and committee member Eileen Jarred said many new members had also come along.
“A lot of people did get jobs as a result of joining the group and others went on to further education. It has opened a lot of doors for people,” she said.
Sarah Cook was one of those who left the group to start work. She said: “The one thing I miss is being able to come here.
“It really helps to get your confidence back. It is nice to meet the people again and to see some of the children who I haven’t seen since they were babies.”
Haverhill mayor Eric Bowman was one of the guests at the party and said he was confident the group would cope well with running its own affairs now that St Edmundsbury Borough Council is tapering off its funding.
“They have got a good management committee and I am sure they will find other funding.
“It has been very successful. Some women had not been out of their homes after having a baby until they came here,” Coun Bowman said.
A sponsored skip was organised at the party to help raise funds.
The group meets each Wednesday from 9.30-11.30 am at the Leiston Centre and anyone interested can go along or ring Eileen on (01440)705248 for more details.
CAPTION: Lifeline … Ann Boyd, front left, with Brandon Hagen and Eileen Jarred, right, with Erin Jarred, celebrate the group’s fifth anniversary.
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