Grand turnout for Captain's Day (despite competition)
Wednesday, 11th July 2012.

The format was individual stableford and, considering the difficult weather conditions, the scoring was very close.
The full results were: Men’s low division, 1 Mark Firman 38pts, 2 Darren Lyons 37pts, 3 Aaron Tokley 36pts. Nearest the Pin on 12th Gavin Taylor.
Men’s high division, 1 Roger Hartley 38pts on countback, 2 Paul Wallace 38pts, 3 John Stokes 36pts. Nearest the pin on 16th Carl Heath.
Ladies: 1 Lady captain Doreen Darbey 31pts, 2 Gerry Wheatley 30pts, 3 Mary Sail 28pts.
Juniors: 1 Alice Iron 34pts on countback, 2 Liam Merritt 34pts on countback, 3 Ollie Fish 34pts. Nearest the pin on 8th Anneka Benson.
The golf was followed by a buffet meal, raffle and auction to raise funds for the captain’s chosen charity, Cystic Fibrosis. Haverhill’s club captain, Steve Ward, thanked everyone for taking part, their generous support, and for making the day a great success.
Afterwards Steve paid tribute to Haverhill member Mick Turner, who had been a member at the golf club for 14 years, and sadly passed away on July 1.
Haverhill visited Felixstowe on Saturday, June 30, for their second league match of the Curry Cup. The Haverhill team fought hard against the hosts, but eventually lost 11-7.
Haverhill has been drawn against Five Lakes at home on July 14 in the third match and the final match is away against Fynn Valley in August.
The Ladies Midweek Medal was played on Wednesday, July 4. Jackie Condon was on top form once again and won the competition with a round of 90-16-74. In second place was Gill Barke with 89-14-75 (lowest gross) and in third place Gill Richardson with 109-30-79.
The Ladies Saturday Medal was played in showery conditions on July 7. Winning with a commendable score of 96-24-72 was Jane Herrington and as a result her handicap has been cut by one shot.
In second place was Anna Fairhead with 94-19-75 on countback from third place Mary Sail with 91-16-75 (lowest gross).
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