Go green and save money
Tuesday, 4th December 2001.

The forum, supported by St Edmundsbury Borough Council, represents around 40 businesses who work together and share ideas about improving the environment by reducing waste and cutting back on water and energy use.
The annual meeting is open to non-members and is being held next Wednesday, 12 December between 11am and 2pm at the Borough Offices in Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds.
Speakers at the event will include Terry Holloway of the Marshall Group and Glenn Condon, Environmental manager at Interface fabrics.
The Green Business forum costs only £25 to join and can help businesses of all sizes by providing a network for sharing information and promoting best practise. Membership of the forum also provides up to date information new environmental legislation.
Businesses wanting to know more about how they can save money and help the environment are welcome to attend the meeting. For more information constact Giovanni Kappel, Green Business Forum Promotions Officer on 01284 757629 or email giovanni.kappel@stedsbc.gov.uk
E-Mail Link: giovanni.kappel@stedsbc.gov.uk
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