Ghana-bound students still raising money
Tuesday, 21st May 2013.

The pair are heading off to Ghana at the end of July to support with local children’s work. They will spend their first week volunteering in a nursery and the second helping with a local construction project.
The pair have already secured the support of the congregation at St Marys Church in Haverhill. They visited the congregation recently following an open letter asking for support towards their project, and have received a cheque for £600 from the members of the church to support them in their trip.
The pair have also been fund raising by collecting bags of recyclable textiles from students across the Castle Partnership.
Local companies have also helped with the collection, which included a large contribution from Havebury Housing Partnership.
Beth and Emily hope to have collected over a ton of textiles, which will give them £500 to pay towards their injections and accommodation in Ghana.
Mrs Baldwin, a teacher at Castle Manor Academy, has been happy to coordinate the collection and is impressed with the efforts both girls have put into their Ghana Volunteer project.
Mrs Baldwin coordinated a teacher exchange between Ghana and Haverhill in 2011 as part of a Global Partnership project which involved six Haverhill teachers, including herself going to Ghana to teach for a week.
She said: “I am so pleased that Ghana is still in our hearts and that Beth and Emily are working hard to make a difference to the lives of students in Ghana by helping to build a school.
"I wish them the very best of luck, it is an amazing experience and they will have a brilliant time. I wish I was going with them!”
The pair are making good progress on their fund raising and are still looking for members of the community to help.
You can make donations via reception at Castle Manor Academy or Place Farm Primary Academy. They will also be organising a quiz night to raise funds in early July.
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