Former town MP named as new life peer
Tuesday, 23rd November 2010.

Mr Spring is one of eight former MPs to be included in the list of new life peerages announced by Downing Street on Friday.
The title he will take is to be decided at a later date.
Mr Spring, who is vice-chairman of the Conservative Party will sit as a Conservative peer in the House of Lords.
He became Haverhill's MP when the new constituency of West Suffolk was created in 1997 and stood down at the last election earlier this year.
Despite beginning as a controversial selection for the candidacy in Haverhill, Mr Spring built up a considerable reputation locally as a good constituency MP and retained an affection for Haverhill throughout the time he represented the town.
When he announced a year ago he was standing down he said nothing had given him greater pleasure during his time as MP than to see the great improvements made in Haverhill.
At that time he said he did not know what he was going to be doing in the future.
Aged 63, and a former businessman, he said he liked 'running things', and that he would be available to the Tories after the election to run, for example, a quango or similar organisation, and he was also beginning work chairing a new foundation.
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