Floodlit church a memorial to late mayor
Tuesday, 11th May 2010.

Ted Trebble became town mayor in May 2007, but just one month later suffered a severe stroke and was unable to carry through his ideas, which included floodlighting the church at night.
He died in January 2008, but his dearest wish was not forgotten by town councillors, who brought it to fruition last night at 8.30pm when the lights were switched on by Mr Trebble's widow Pauline.
Current town mayor Cllr Elaine McManus said the scheme had been a long time coming - it had been put forward ten years ago but made little progress until Mr Trebble took it up.
Cllr McManus said: "It was the dearest wish of our late mayor Cllr Ted Trebble that the church should take its place at the centre of the town by being lit up at night time."
The scheme was funded by Haverhill Town Council.
The Rector of St Mary's, the Rev Ian Finn, said the church had a place in the history of the town.
"This will be a visual reminder of the part St Mary's plays in the life of this town and a beacon for the future," he said.
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