Fitness instructor takes up the challenge to help nine-year-old - Marathon bid to help child
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 10th February 2000.

Nine-year-old Tristan Hyman, who lives at Cornish Hall End, near Haverhill, has a number of health problems.
He has already been waiting 18 months for an operation to correct his foot, which is turning in.
Frustrated mum Jo Hyman has been told there are 25 other children on the waiting list ahead of him.
Tristan could wait another year or more for his operation.
He could have the operation done almost immediately if it is done privately but this will cost between £5,000 and £10,000.
Mrs Hyman said: "We got our MP involved but there was not a lot he could do.
"The 25 children above him were even more urgent, so goodness knows what they have got wrong with them - and how long they will have been waiting anxiously.
"It would not have been a big operation if it was done when it was first noticed but know it causes him a lot of pain and he can hardly walk.
"We have to carry him to bed at night and it does not seem fair as he is still a really happy boy."
Tristan has had problems ever since he was eight weeks old and stopped feeding properly, which continued until he was five.
"He also has undiagnosed development delay which means ha has trouble speaking and doing other things.
Kim Moss, 39, of Shetland Road, Haverhill, is running her fifth London Marathon and decided to do it for Tristan, who attends a children's Fit Class she runs at Haverhill Leisure Centre during the school holidays.
"He is such a lovely little boy and I have grown so attached to him that, when I got my place, I thought it would be nice to do it for him," Kim said.
**Anyone who wants to support Kim's effort can collect sponsor forms from Haverhill Leisure Centre or ring (01440) 702548.
Picture Caption: Operation London Marathon . . . Kim Moss with nine-year-old Tristan Hyman.
Picture Credit: Keith Jones 603M-25.
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