First trawl of knife amnesty yields nearly 1,000
Thursday, 27th January 2011.

Since December 14, anyone who has a knife or blade they wish to dispose of safely has been able to deposit it anonymously in one of the secure bins situated outside Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds and Lowestoft Police Stations.
Today the three bins have been emptied for the first time. After six weeks the total number of knives and other items binned is: Lowestoft 126, Bury St Edmunds 228, Ipswich 623, total for Suffolk 977.
Teenage anti-knife campaigner Holly Watson is delighted. “I think it’s brilliant for that many items to already be handed in. I hope it continues and encourages others to bin a blade.”
A mobile version of the bin comes to Haverhill police station next week and stays for the next two months.
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