Fireworks warning
Thursday, 1st November 2001.

Last year, 972 people in Britain were injured as the result of fireworks - a figure fire and trading standards officers in Suffolk hope won't be repeated this year.
Peter Monk, member of the county council's executive committee, said: "Bonfire night is a fun event for young and old alike, and by following a few simple rules we can make sure it is also a safe one.
"Fireworks need not be a problem, so long as people take all reasonable precautions and know they can summon help from the fire service by dialing 999 if something does go wrong. Most of all, we just want everyone to enjoy the bonfire night festivities - safely."
The firework safety code says:
* Only buy fireworks marked BS7114
* Buy fireworks as near to the event as possible
* Don't drink alcohol if setting off fireworks
* Keep fireworks in a closed box
* Follow the instructions on each firework
* Light them at arm's length using a taper
* Stand well back
* Never go back to a lit firework
* Never throw fireworks
* Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves
* Never give sparklers to a child under five
* Keep pets indoors
Firework sellers must store, display and sell fireworks safely and be registered with the trading standards service. Trading standards officers are currently visiting premises throughout Suffolk to ensure sellers are
keeping fireworks safely and abiding by the law.
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