Festive Fun at Moyse’s Hall
Friday, 5th December 2008.

Families and groups are being invited to call in to Moyse’s Hall on Sunday 14 December to make their own seasonal decorations and cards. Materials will be available and advice on hand to make something special with a real personal touch. The cost is £6 per family or group of people (maximum of 5 people per group).
Following the usual tradition, Santa will again be taking up residence in his grotto in Moyse’s Hall for one weekend only - Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 December. Visitors will be taken through the ‘magic forest’ to Santa’s house where they can let him know their secret wishes for Christmas. Visits can be made between 10.30am and 4pm and cost £3.50 per child which includes entry and a quality gift from Santa – accompanying adults are free.
There is also the opportunity to look around the Museum and take part in the Christmas Quiz as well as finding suitable gifts in the shop.
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