Family plans to set up orphanage
Thursday, 8th February 2001.

Paula West, 45, of Bailey Close, her husband Jonathan, and her children Alicia Nolan, 16, and Wade Nolan, 14, will be leaving on March 17.
Mrs West is already ordained overseas and is training to become a minister in this country at the United Reform church in Haverhill. She has spent 20 years working as a missionary.
Although born in England, she grew up in Australia and later went to work in the United States. She returned to England and met husband Jonathan four years ago.
The Wests first became involved with the orphanage in Goa through Haverhill volunteer Karen Glazebrook, who joined an aid trip there. The family sponsored Karen's work there and maintained contact with the group who run the orphanage.
Staff there had been planning to open another house, but the earthquake has brought the project forward and although they have a building, it has no furniture or equipment.
The Wests have no way of transporting items to India, so they are trying to get as much sponsorship as possible to take with them.
Sponsor forms can be obtained from Mrs West on (01440) 707071 or she can be e-mailed on
PHOTO CAPTION: India bound... Paula and Jonathan West who are soon to set off for Goa.
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