Everything You Wanted to Know About the Internet But Were Afraid to Ask - Online Marketing
Saturday, 29th April 2006.

Internet Marketing is a subject currently attracting a lot of attention in business circles, although still surrounded by a degree of uncertainty. Addressing this topic now, illustrates the Chamber’s concern to highlight emerging trends, services and technologies for the benefit of the local business community.
Pure Energy’s interactive presentation has been designed to dispel confusion and provide a unique industry insight into the world of online marketing and web visibility.
Jason explains: “The World Wide Web can no longer be described as ‘new media’. It has become an indispensable component in the success of any business and is at the centre of marketing and communication strategies. Used appropriately, the Internet can help a company reach a wider audience, at a lower cost and with greater flexibility than many traditional marketing methods.
“At Pure Energy our vision has always been to empower our customers. The web really does offer a glittering realm of possibilities. I hope this presentation will help business owners gain confidence and a greater understanding of online marketing techniques.”
Jason will be answering questions on this theme. If you would like to submit a question please email:jason@pureenergymultimedia.com
Pure Energy's team will produce a recording of the content of the event, which will be available on CD-Rom at the end of the evening.
This interactive presentation promises to be engaging, enlightening, highly informative and refreshingly useful.
Speaker’s Profile
Jason Fitzpatrick is the Founder Director of Pure Energy Multimedia. Established in 1997 and based in Haverhill, Suffolk, the company has successfully surfed the Dot Com boom - and bust – and has now acquired a first class reputation for delivering high-impact results. It is particularly proud of its excellent client and staff retention. Jason has overseen its growth from 1 to 7 employees and further expansion is planned for 2006. He combines a sharp commercial mind with a deep understanding of the ways in which technologies can be pushed to create new possibilities. Possessing an unyielding commitment to quality and innovation, he early on recognised the need to integrate communications processes. He sees the enormous potential in the business capabilities of the web and especially its usefulness as a front line marketing medium.
Having acquired his first computer in 1980 at the age of 10, Jason acknowledges how deeply grateful he is to have had the good fortune to be born at exactly the right moment in time; this age of electronic technology suits him perfectly. He is, however, no happy amateur, but a keen professional who has no problem with the challenges that a technological based business brings, including its demand for just the right measure of strategic and creative thinking.
His academic background is in electronics, in which he gained an HND. Apparently, his final papers were flawless – he received one of the highest marks ever recorded by his college – repeating an earlier performance in ‘A level’ Physics. Along with his several competencies, he is also proficient in 9 programming languages.
And, for the real technophiles, Jason is the proud owner of an Altair 8800. The Altair 8800 is widely regarded as the world’s very first personal computer and inspired the computing revolution. Produced in 1975, the first has disappeared, the second is owned by industry commentator, Mark Stephens, the third by Jason and the next on permanent display in the Smithsonian Institute, Washington.
Jason is a founder member of the Haverhill Chamber of Commerce.
For further information visit: Haverhill Chamber of Commerce or Pure Energy - Haverhill Web Design
Elaine Collins
Gold PR
Web Link: http://www.haverhillchamber.co.uk
E-Mail Link: jason@haverhillchamber.co.uk
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