East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices to Star at Chelsea
Thursday, 15th May 2008.

To mark the 10th anniversary year of the formation of EACH, Peter Beales Roses have kindly agreed to name a new rose in the charity’s name. Sales of the Rose will also benefit EACH. Following a competition among staff, the rose was specially named as 'Child of My Heart' - a name suited to the hospice care services delivered to local life-threatened children and their families.
The actress and EACH Patron Helen Fraser will be among an array of celebrities attending the special celebrity press preview day on Monday 19th May.
In 1998, the children's hospices at Quidenham in Norfolk and Milton in Cambridge merged to form East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH). Meeting local families needs, a new hospice was then opened in Ipswich the following year.
EACH’s three multi-disciplinary care teams help local life-limited and life-threatened children and their families with the emotional and physical challenges they face, helping them to make the most of life. They welcome the whole family for a break together or time to themselves in a home-from-home environment or in the comfort of their own home. They offer a diverse range of services including: care at end of life, respite care, specialist play, music therapy, telephone support, practical help, advice and information and bereavement support for all family members, including siblings and grandparents.
Melanie Chew,EACH Director of Fundraising explains:
"At EACH we aim to maximise the quality of life for children with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition and to support their families. Care and support is delivered in the family home or at one of the three hospices. Some children may only have a very short time to live, perhaps only weeks or months, others may reach young adulthood but our aim is always the same - to enhance their quality of life and support their family."
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