E-fit released of Little Wratting masked knife man
Monday, 28th April 2014.

The incident occurred between 9.25pm and 10pm on Saturday in a parking area off Haverhill Road.
The victim, a man in his late 20s, had gone out to his car to fetch his prescription, which he forgotten to bring in earlier, when he was confronted by a man who threatened him with a knife.
After ordering the victim to open the boot and doors so he could search the car, the offender saw the bag containing the prescription medication which he then stole, along with some cash that the victim had turned out of his pockets.
The victim was then ordered to sit in the car and put the seat belt on and the offender then made his escape. The victim was left distressed but unharmed as a result of this incident.
The suspect is described as a white man aged in his late 30s to early 40s, around 5ft 10in tall, of skinny build with blonde hair.
He was wearing a black mask, dark hooded top with the hood up, dark jeans and gloves and ‘caterpillar-style' boots. He is described as speaking with an accent believed to be Irish.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Bury St Edmunds Priority Crime Team on 101 quoting reference HH/14/793, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
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