E-fit issued of man who pushed girl against a car
Sunday, 22nd June 2014.

The incident took place between 8.40am and 8.50am on Tuesday, June 17, in Broadcroft Crescent.
The girl was walking along when she was approached by a man who pushed her up against a small green car believed to be a Nissan.
The offender briefly spoke to the victim before letting her go and leaving. She then reported seeing the same man and vehicle again the following day from a distance, near to the lower entrance of Broadcroft Crescent.
The offender is described as white with a tanned complexion, aged between 30 and 40, with stubble around the top of the mouth.
He was wearing a grey hooded jumper with the hood up, grey body warmer and grey tracksuit bottoms. He spoke with an east of England accent.
Anyone who believes they may know this man or who has information about this incident is asked to contact PC Will Wright at Haverhill Police Station on 101 quoting reference HH/14/1208, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
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