Drop-in centre is relaunched
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 7th September 2000.

The new A Place to Talk centre will operated at the Burton Centre, next to Haverhill Library, on Fridays from l0am to 12.30pm.
A drop-in centre was formerly run there by Mencap but funding for it ran out in July and the county council cash meant it could keep going.
Ian Allen, chairman of the West Suffolk Befriending Scheme, which runs the centre, officially opened it.
He said: “We are very grateful for the money, which not only saved us from closing in the short-term but has put us on a sounder financial footing for the future.”
A Place to Talk is for members of the Befriending Scheme to have a chance to meet up with their befrienders for a chat, to meet others, enjoy a cup of coffee and perhaps seek advice about difficulties with day-to-day problems.
People of all ages can drop in to the group, just to keep in touch or for some informal counselling, and other activities are also on offer.
Those who attend may need a bit of help with form-filling or letter-writing or they may have a learning disability and have difficulty with everyday tasks.
Organisers would like to see anyone who would like to join the group or become a volunteer helper.
There is no charge but most people pay a small fee of 5Op, which entitles them to a raffle ticket and unlimited cups of tea or coffee.
Anyone who would like to chat to one of the workers before coming along should contact Glynis Mackay on (01440) 761347 or Shirley Moore on (01787) 228479.
(Picture caption: Place to talk... from left, centre project manager Shirley Moore, Glynis Mackay, volunteer support, and West Suffolk Befriending Scheme chairman Ian Allen cut a celebratory cake at the relaunch.)
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