Driver Jailed after Fatal Crash
Thursday, 9th October 2003.

Martin Law, 22, was given a four year sentence after being found guilty of hitting 28 year old Wayne Goode as he walked alone near the A134 near Sudbury, Suffolk, early on New Years Day.
Law, af Sandpiper Close, Haverhill, had denied being the driver of the vihicle responsible. He claimed he was at home in bed at the time of the incident.
But Ipswich Crown Court was told debris from a Ford Transit van acquired by Law on December 30 linked him to the collision with Mr Goode, of Ipswich, who had been attending a New Year's Eve party with his partner and friends.
Law had also been caught on CCTV at a Sudbury service station, only a mile from the crash.
Jailing Law and handing him a five year driving ban last Thursday, Judge John Devaux ordered he take an extended driving test before being allowed behind the wheel again.
He said,"You were unable to take avoiding action that sober drivers were able to take. Worse still you made off. The fact is you did not face the music. Your behaviour was appalling."
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