Driver dies in head-on collision
By Martin Chapman on Thursday, 8th November 2001.

The woman is believed to have died instantly when her Astra collided with a Vauxhall van during Wednesday morning’s rush hour. The driver of the van and another motorist, who ended up in bushes after swerving to avoid a collision, escaped serious injuries.
The victim was named today as Stephanie Andrews, 46, of Cambridge Way, Haverhill.
Assistant Divisional Officer John Wilcock, who led the two crews from Haverhill and one from Bury St Edmunds, praised the work of the fire-fighters who helped free one of the surviving drivers and cut the dead woman from her car.
He said: "The driver of the Astra was dead when we arrived but we freed the driver of the van who was lightly trapped so paramedics could render first aid.
Mr Wilcock also praised the work of the team in difficult circumstances and had particular praise for two less experience fire-fighters.
Fire investigators and police officers, were yesterday still trying to piece together the cause of the accident which caused the road to be closed for more than five hours. Mr Wilcock said that the collision was partly due to the wet and slippery condition of the road.
Police are appealing for any witnesses to the collision at 8:13 on Wednesday morning to contact Suffolk Police on 01284 774100.
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