By Martin Chapman on Monday, 17th December 2001.

The I’ll be Des campaign organised by the Portman Group, is aimed at to encourage one person per group to avoid alcohol and act as a “designated driver” ensuring that friends and family reach home safely this Christmas.
The campaign was launched last week at the Cherry Tree Pub in Stradishall by county councillor’s Leslie Warmington and Peter Monk along with Sergeant Martin Barnes-Smith from Suffolk Polcie.
Peter Monk of the County Council executive committee said: “Drink-driving remains one of the main causes of road accidents and we are pleased to support both the police and the drinks industry in promoting safer driving.”
Chief Inspector Mike Gooch if Suffolk Police added: “During last years campaign 729 drivers were tested of which 44 failed, of these 25 positive breath tests were given at road collision scenes.
“Suffolk Police will be putting a great deal of effort into catching drink drivers over this critical period. Appointing a Des will mean you, your family or friends won’t be facing a court hearing , heavy fine and potential loss of license in the New Year.
CAPTION: Launching the I’ll be Des campaign (from left to right) Joanne Bryant from the Cherry Tree, Inspector Mark Quinton of Suffolk Police, Peter Monk and Leslie Warmington of Suffolk County Council.
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