Did you know what our children's centres offer?
Monday, 13th December 2010.

For more information on any of the groups or to book a place, contact: On Track Children’s Centre – 01440 760924 - 1 Strasbourg Square, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0HR; or Cartwheels Children’s Centre – 01440 760500 - Norton Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8LU.
These are part of the SureStart Suffolk Children's Centres provided across the county under the auspices of Suffolk Country Council.
Rhyme Time, 10-11.30am:
For 0 to 5 years. A session around nursery rhymes with stories, songs and craft activities. (On Track).
Tot Time, 10-11.30am:
For 0 to 5 years. A drop-in play session with a variety of toys, craft activites and much more! (Cartwheels).
Breastfeeding Group, 10.30am-12noon.
Come and meet other breastfeeding mums and health professionals. (Cartwheels).
Daffodil Group, 1.30-3pm alternate Mondays:
A group for adoptive/foster parents and their children aged 0 to 5 years. (Cartwheels)
Twice as Nice, 1.30-3pm alternate Mondays:
Multiple births drop-in (Cartwheels).
Bouncing Beans, 1-2.30pm.
Join us for fun physical activities. (On Track).
Childminder Drop-in, 9.30-11.30am:
Come and meet other childminders while the children play with a variety of toys.(Cartwheels).
Stay and Play, 9.30-11.30am:
0 to 5 years fun drop-in play session with craft and fun activities (Wickhambrook Memorial Hall).
Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour, pm:
Ten week courses for parents 0 to 5 years. Please contact Children’s Centre for further information
Little Stars Opportunity Group, 1.30-3pm
Drop-in play sessions for children with additional needs. (Cartwheels).
Busy Feet, 2-3pm:
Music and movement for 1 to 5 years. (Leiston Community Centre).
Talking Tots, 9.30-11am:
For 2 to 5 year olds, term-time only. A structured play session to help encourage your child’s speech and language skills.(On Track).
Sing along a Story, 10-11am:
Fun story time sessions for under 5s to enjoy. (Cartwheels).
Little Angels, 9.30-11.00:
Breakfast club for children 0 to 5 years and their parents aged 20-30 years. (Cartwheels).
Mini Makers, 1.30-3pm:
Creative messy play for 0-18 months. (Cartwheels).
Crafty Capers, 2-3.30:
Creative play for 18 months to 5 years. (On Track)
Family Support Drop-in 2-4pm:
Staff available to give advice, support and information on a range of issues. Health visitors available 2-3pm. (Cartwheels)
Swap Shop:
Anytime at Cartwheels swap children’s clothes for free. Just help yourself.
Stay and Play, 1-3pm:
0 to 5 years. Fun play session with craft and activities. (Clare Primary School).
Sensational Babies, 1.30-3pm:
For babies 0 to walking. A group to help explore babies’ senses through sensory play. (On Track and Cartwheels).
Little Explorers, 9.30-11.30am:
For 1 to 2 year olds. Fun interactive play sessions.(On Track).
Young Parent’s Group, 10am-12noon:
Support group for all young parents and carers up to 20 years of age. (Burton Centre, Camps Road). Please see a member of staff
for details.
Dads Group, 10-11.30am:
For dads and male carers. Come along and play with your under 5s. On the last Saturday of every month at Cartwheels.
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