Degree of success for church music director
Wednesday, 2nd June 2010.

Richard Hart was one of a group of undergraduates which included former boy soprano and now TV presenter Aled Jones, to be presented with certificates.
Richard recently gained an upper honours degree in sacred music studies through the University of Wales in collaboration with the Royal School of Church Music.
It was all linked to his local church environment and was achieved through distance learning and also attending Easter and summer schools at the university.
Richard, who has been a church organist and choirmaster for many years, first at Haverhill Methodist Church and then further afield when he moved from the area, started his studies when he was, for ten years, director of music at St Faith's Church in King's Lynn.
He continued when he was appointed director of music at Haverhill's parish church three years ago.
In that time he has boosted the church choir numbers from five to 23, and to celebrate that a youth music competition for instrumental and vocal categories is being run on June 12.
The winners will receive the Richard Hart Junior Performing Arts Trophy.
Entry costs £2.50 per category and forms are available from the church from 10am to midday on Fridays and Saturdays, and 10.45am to 11.15am on Sundays, or by calling Betty McLatchy on 01440 714338.
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