Crucial Call Over Phone Mast Fight
By Jo Deeks on Monday, 21st November 2005.

Campaigners' hopes were dashed last month after the planning inspectorate upheld an appeal by the mobile phone giant Hutchison 3G to allow the mast to be erected on Hazel Stub roundabout in Haverhill.
In a last ditch plea the campaign team wrote to the company's chief executive, asking him to consider an alternative location at Homefield Road.
campaigners argue the site is just one roundabout further along the town's bypass than the original location but would be far enough away from residential areas.
The group received a call from 3G's corporate affairs manager Mike Davies stating the firm would look at the alternative site. An engineer was expected survey the site this week.
A campaign team spokesperson said: "We are delighted and grateful for this apparent show of goodwill from 3G which we hope could be a solution for all concerned. If successful, we may at last see a leading global giant who is prepared to listen the views and concerns of local people."
Public feeling against the location of the mast has been strong with residents, local councillors and MPs protesting.
A 400-signiature petition also appealed against the location.
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