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Matthew Hancock
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Crowds turn out to see Remembrance parade

Monday, 11th November 2013.

Crowds lined the streets in the late autumn sunshine yesterday afternoon to see the parade for Haverhill's Remembrance observance.

A good crowd turned out both to watch the parade and to take part in the Act of Remembrance at the war memorial in the cemetery.

The parade of uniformed organisations marched from the Arts Centre car park down High Street and Queen Street, then along Withersfield Road to the cemetery.

The Act of Remembrance was led by the Rector of Haverhill, Canon Ian Finn, and the wreath-laying was led by the Deputy Mayor of St Edmundsbury, Cllr Tim Marks and the Mayor of Haverhill, Cllr Roger Andre.

The town's MP Matthew Hancock and its former MP Richard Spring, now Lord Risby of Haverhill, also laid wreaths, followed by representatives of the Royal British Legion and the uniformed organisations.

The parade then returned to the town centre, with the mayors taking the salute outside the council offices, where the crowd broke into applause.

It then moved on to take part, with a packed congegation, in the service of Remembrance at St Mary's Church, again led by Canon Finn, with music from the church choir led by musical direcrtor and organist Richard Hart, and Haverhill Silver Band, consucted by Mark Ager, with the MP Mr Hancock reading the lesson.

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